Grow Your Own Food
We can help you start.
You want to grow your own food, and perhaps have one of those food forests or orchards that you have been reading about.
For some of you, the seed has been planted by podcasts, friends, or those pics on social media. It resonates with you and you feel it: “I CAN do this!”
With real world tips on gardening, planting fruit and nut trees, plus our hand selected resources and books – we help you start on your journey to Thriving.
Garden Guides
Start your gardening journey with our Garden Guides here:
How to Plan Your Fall Garden
It's Summer. You may think that gardening season is about over. You can get another...
Creating a New Garden Bed with Milpa
Grow Food, Not Lawns. To create new garden beds from grass, do you use cardboard?...
Your Companion Planting Guide to Deter Pests and Thrive
Which crops you choose to plant next to each other makes a difference. The right...
How to Start Your Garden: Dream, Plan, then Plant
Spring is dawning. Whether you have never gardened before, or you are a green thumb,...
Soil Health is the Foundation of Your Garden
Your guide to building soil health: Compost, amendments, micronutrients. Organic Matter – It’s What Plants...
Homestead Aquaponics, Step by Step – The World’s Greatest Ebb and Flow Bed
Real-world aquaponics. The World's Greatest Ebb and Flow Bed.
The Best Ways to Control Weeds
Let's look at some other options for dealing with weeds, ones that will avoid harsh...
How I Built a Greenhouse from Recycled Windows
Build a greenhouse to extend your growing season with greens in the Winter and start...
Plant Leaf Lettuce to Eat Lettuce All Season
Leaf lettuce is a “cut and come again” crop. You can cut as much as...
Food Forests and Permaculture
Create a perennial paradise with multiple layers of food and low maintenance.
How to Forage and Prepare Nettles
In this article I will show you how to forage, cook, prepare, and store stinging...
Creating a New Garden Bed with Milpa
Grow Food, Not Lawns. To create new garden beds from grass, do you use cardboard?...
How I Created a Food Forest – from Design to Delivery
How to Create a Food Forest. Permaculture Orchard From Design to Delivery.
How I created an Apple Guild – Permaculture
Turn a corner of your garden into Hassle-Free Permaculture Perennial Production
How to Grow Elderberry from Cuttings
Grow elderberry from cuttings - starting in water, starting sideways in a bed of sand,...
How to Save, Store, and Stratify Persimmon Seeds
What can you do with wild persimmons? You can make jelly/jam with the fruit. The...
Vego Garden Modular Metal Raised Bed
Vego Garden Modular Metal Raised Bed (which I will make 5′ x 3.5′, 17″ tall)
Cedar Raised Bed for a Perennial Kitchen Garden
Cedar Raised Bed – 48″ x 13.25″.
I use this for a perennial kitchen garden – growing herbs to use daily in the kitchen. Just come along and pick what you need for tonight’s dinner.
Our Top Gardening Tool
Meadow Creature Broadfork
Meadow Creature Broadfork is THE perfect way to turn over sod, loosen and break up the soil.
Gardening Books
Whether you are a seasoned gardener seeking to expand your knowledge or a new gardener with dreams of lush landscapes, our hand-picked selection of books can help you to Dream, Plan, and then make those Dreams into Reality.

Landrace Gardening
Landrace gardening is adapting crops to your land and climate, and then saving seeds.

How To Grow Your Own Food
How To Grow Your Own Food: Ultimate Guide to Growing Food

Grow a Medicinal Garden
How to Grow a Garden of Medicinal Healing Plants and Herbs
Permaculture Books
Here are our selection of books, specifically targeted at food forests, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and farming the woods.

The Resilient Farm and Homestead
The book includes detailed information on earthworks, gravity-fed water systems, soil fertility management, growing nutrient-dense food and medicine, fuelwood production, agroforestry, managed grazing, and much more.

Restoration Agriculture
This book describes how to turn pasture into silvopasture - a mix of trees, shrubs, and grazing for animals.

Farming the Woods
Incorporating the woods into your plans - through agroforestry, growing mushrooms, managing trees, and herding and feeding your livestock through the woods.
Some of Our
Recent Articles
Dream, Plan, Plant the seed and watch it grow.